This is our storyboard which was created using paint and then was added to adobe premier 10 elements where we pasted the images in and added some music into the background. The clip will include the main events of the film and which order it is going in. We then decide to do another story board which is not a cinematic and add more detail like the editing, sound and camera shots used.
Editing: Used to cut down certain parts of the scene to make it flow better, titles popping up
Sound: Nature with birds in the back ground
Camera shots and angles: Establishing long shot
Editing: Used to cut down certain parts of the scene to make it flow better, titles popping up
Sound: Music playing in the background
Camera shots and angles: Low angle medium shot, camera follows
Editing: Used to cut down certain parts of the scene to make it flow better, titles popping up
Sound: Music playing in the background
Camera shots and angles: Over the shoulder
Editing: Used to cut down certain parts of the scene to make it flow better, titles popping up
Sound: Music playing in the background
Camera shots: Close up
Editing: Used to cut down certain parts of the scene to make it flow better
Sound: Music playing in the background
Camera shots and angles: High angle
Editing: Used to cut down certain parts of the scene to make it flow better, titles popping up
Sound: Music playing in the background
Camera shots: Long shot
Editing:Used to cut down certain parts of the scene to make it flow better, fade to black, titles popping up
Sound: Music playing in the background
Camera shots and angles: Medium shots
Editing: Used to cut down certain parts of the scene to make it flow better, fade to black, titles popping up
Sound: Music playing in the background
Camera shots and angles: High angle
Editing: Panning shot, used to cut down certain parts of the scene to make it flow better, titles popping up
Sound: Music playing in the background
Camera shots and angles: Medium shot
Editing: Used to cut down certain parts of the scene to make it flow better
Sound: Music playing in the background, punching and kicking sounds
Camera shots and angles: Low angle
Editing: Used to cut down certain parts of the scene to make it flow better
Sound: Music playing in the background
Camera shots and angles: Over the shoulder, medium shot
Editing: Cut to black, Used to cut down certain parts of the scene to make it flow better
Sound: Loud bang, punching sound
Camera shots and angles: Close up of Kevin punching the camera
Editing: Writing fades in and out
Sound: Music fades to silence
Camera shots and angles: Black screen
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