Wednesday, 7 September 2016


My favorite  film ever is The Dark Knight because it contains lots of famous actors like Christian Bale, Heath Ledger and Morgan Freeman which make the film even better. This is my favorite film because it has large amounts of actions scenes which appeals to me because i enjoy films which have lots of action in them, for example you are thrown into the action in the fist five minuets where the Joker and his gang rob a bank and then a school bus slams through the wall of the bank for them to escape with the money. Another reason why this is my favorite film is because of the Batman and the Jokers rivalry because the Joker causes bad things to happen which means Batman is forced to go and stop him but the Joker gets into his mind and keeps trying to get Batman to kill him but he doesn't kill which makes it harder for Batman to get the job done.

My favorite director is Christopher Nolan because he has directed films like Inception, Interstellar and The Dark Knight trilogies which were all great films. I like him because he includes lots of action scenes in his films and knows how to create a good story line, for example The Dark Knight trilogies which showed the story of Batman from the beginning to the end.

My favorite genres are Sci-fi (science fiction) and Action/adventure films because they have equal amounts of action and a good story line which can be developed through out the film. I also enjoy comedy films because i like to laugh and relax while watching them with friends. Comedy films that i like are Hot Fuzz, Shaun of the Dead, Anchorman and The Watch. These are comedy films that i would watch if i'm in mood for a comedy movie. Some action/adventure films that i like are Guardians of the Galaxy, The Avengers, Lord of  the Rings and the Star Wars trilogies which are all good films to me. lastly the Sci-fi films that i enjoy are ET, The Matrix, Gravity and The Terminator.

The last film i watched was a new release in cinemas called Suicide Squad which i really enjoyed because it had actors that i have seen in other films before like Will Smith, Margot Robbie and Jared Leto who had great roles in the film in my point of view. I also really enjoyed the film because it had lots of action in it like when they were flying a helicopter and they get shot down and then fall to the ground and roles. I also liked it when the characters come together to form a team to fight some creatures that are trying to take over the world, when working together they over come difficulties which take time but towards the end they settle their differences and work as a team to defeat the enemy.

The film that i'm mostly anticipated for is Guardians of the Galaxy vol. 2 because the first one was a big hit world wide and made a large box office in come of around $773.3 million USD. I'm also anticipated for this film because the director James Gunn has continued to make the next film which means its going to be better than the first film. the director has also directed Scooby-Doo and Dawn of the Dead which were good starting films to promote his directing career and to set him up for the future. The actors also want me to go and see the film because Chris Pratt in the first film was really good and i would want to see how his and all the other characters develop for the next film.

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